Thomas J. Lahey Elementary School
Reading Intervention
Academic Intervention Services for reading refers to additional instruction provided to those students either who have not met or who are at risk of not meeting New York State Standards in the area of reading. The AIS Reading program at Thomas J. Lahey is designed to provide the strategies and skills students need to be successful in meeting State Standards and to strengthen their areas of weakness.
AIS Reading classes take place in a less formal setting and have a low student to teacher ratio. Students are grouped based on reading level and weakness. The atmosphere is one in which students can feel comfortable asking questions and taking risks. Students are taught literacy strategies as demonstrated through oral and written expression. Students’ progress is monitored continually through ongoing assessments and communication between the Reading Specialist and Classroom Teacher is ongoing.
While the goal of AIS Reading is to help students meet the NY State Standards, it is our mission to assist the students in becoming confident, independent readers while promoting a love of reading and writing.